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Why SMS?

It starts with Jesus

Jesus Christ is the reason for our school. Each student is valued and nurtured as a child of God. We encourage active participation so all will seek, listen, and follow the plan that God has for their lives.

St. Michael School is a family

St. Michael School is a family. We believe that a child's parents are the first and most influential teacher. The staff at SMS is committed to working in collaboration with parents toward a complete education for each student.

A truly unique learning experience

St. Michael School believes in education of the whole person. We use research based educational pedagogy to bring out the best in each child. Beyond core subjects, music, art, health, technology, and religious education are taught by highly qualified, highly motivated professionals.

Graduates who lead by example

Graduates of St. Michael are respectful, responsible leaders, who understand that the best way to lead is by example. Our graduates go on to attend many different local high schools in our community, but St. Michael graduates stand out.

We are St. Michael