St. Michael School: Principal's Page

Picture of Mr. Andy Arn

Principal: Mr. Andy Arn

I can do nothing on My own initiative. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is just, because I do not seek My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me


   -John 5:30

Welcome to St. Michael School!

Hello, my name is Andy Arn and I have been the principal of St. Michael since 2016. I started my teaching career here in 2002, and I am extremely proud of the school that SMS has become. I have five daughters, all whom attended SMS. I am grateful for all of the students, teachers, and other members of the SMS family who have helped make the educational experience for my own children second to none! My oldest daughter is a graduate of SMS and St. Patrick High School and is entering her freshmen year at Wright State University. I also have a daughter who will be a Sophomore at St Patrick High School, and they would be the first to tell you how special their years at St. Michael were to them. I live in Ripley with my daughters and my amazing wife Ashton, and we are proud to be a SMS family!

Mr. Andy Arn