Each May seems to get crazier and crazier. Everyone is excited for summer break, and all the end of the year activities at SMS. To keep up I strongly encourage you to keep up with the "Events" page on our website and app, as well as keeping an eye out for notifications and mass texts from the school. We will do our best to keep everyone in the loop. Please make sure to read the important information below.
SMS Stock Market Team: Good luck to Lincoln MacRae, Dominick Cropper, and Jordan Poole who will be competing tomorrow in the Portfolio Challenge at the University of Cincinnati!
Testing This Week: Our 8th graders will be taking the Ohio State Algebra Test on Monday and Wednesday mornings this week. The 5th and 8th grades will also be taking the Ohio State Science Test this Tuesday and Thursday morning. Good luck!
Musical News: The 7th and 8th grade did an outstanding job at their live recording session this evening at the Gaslight Theater! We will have ordering information coming soon to purchase CD's from the performance.
Preschool - 6th grade will be walking to the Parker House on Wednesday morning to rehearse for their musical. The P-6 musical performance is next Sunday, May 7, beginning at 3:00 at the Parker House in Ripley. Bring a lawn chair!
Food Drive: We have had a great start to the non-perishable food drive for our neighbors in Manchester. We are almost half way to our goal of 500 items. If we reach this goal by this Friday our students will have an out of uniform day before the end of the year.
Bus News This Week: There will be NO RIPLEY Bus service this Tuesday, May 2 in the morning or afternoon due to school being out at Ripley on Tuesday.
Due to the town-wide yard sale in Georgetown this Thursday and Friday (May 4 & 5) and more specifically St. George parking lot, Mr. Heslar will be picking up students and dropping them off at the normal time, in the IGA parking lot closest to 5th/3rd. Please make appropriate arrangements for these changes.
Kona Ice: Kona Ice will be visiting SMS this Wednesday afternoon. We saved and washed all of the cups from last time for our students. Refills are only $3. Of course, if your child would like a new cup, the most expensive one is $7. To help everything run smoothly, please have money for Kona Ice in by Tuesday in an envelope marked "Kona Ice" with your child(ren)s name on it.