SMS News

Good evening! We hope everyone had a great weekend. It looked like everyone had a great time Friday night. Special thanks to Miss Kacy for going above and beyond to have a fun party for all of our students!

The end of the grading period is 2 weeks away. Please encourage your child to make sure they have all of their work turned in as we get closer to the end of the trimester, and as always you can check grades anytime on OptionC. 

Happening this week: 

Monday- Students may wear Catholic School Appropriate Halloween Costumes OR SMS Spiritwear. 

Wednesday- All Saints Day is a Holy Day of Obligation. We will have mass at 8:15 am. Students are encouraged to research a saint and dress up like their favorite saint. There are many ideas available for this online if you Google "dress up like a saint ideas". If your child chooses not to participate, they should just wear their uniform as usual. 

Thursday- The Book Fair will take place on Thursday. 

Sunday (11/5)-  The Harvest Dinner and Cake Auction begins following 9:00am mass at St. Michael and will continue through 1:00 pm. Everyone is encouraged to bring their families  for a meal, and be sure to tell your friends! Also, we are trying something new with our cake auction. We will have an in-person silent auction for all those who come to the Harvest Dinner. We will also have an online auction on the St. Michael public Facebook page. Remember we need everyone to provide a baked good, either to be part of the auction OR for desserts for the dinner. If you are contributing to the auction please let us know ahead of time, and a picture would be great for us to post on our FB page! We will also need help at the dinner between 8am and 2pm if you could help in that way, please let us know. 

Finally, it looks like we have reached the end of the warm weather. Beginning Monday, uniform shorts are no longer allowed until after Easter Break.

We are looking forward to another great week at SMS!