SMS News

Good afternoon! We hope everyone is having a great weekend, and that all of our students had a memorable Catholic Schools Week! Please be sure to read below, so you are up to date, and know what is going on this week, and the near future at SMS.

Monday, February 5: There will be a meeting for the parents of all Catholic 2nd Graders who will be receiving their First Communion this spring. The meeting begins at 7:00 pm, and will be located at St. George in Georgetown. 

Tuesday, February 6: Our 7th and 8th grade classes will travel to Maria Stein. If you missed the story, click here. Please make sure your child brings in their permission slip for this tomorrow. 

Friday, February 9: The Father Daughter dance will be held Friday, February 9th from 6-8 at the parish hall. This is a fancy event hosted for our female students and their dates that would encourage Sunday's best attire. If you would like to assist with the dance please follow the Sign Up Genius Link below. Any further questions can be directed to Mrs. Betty, Mrs. Teresa Offutt, Mrs. Meghan Huffman and Mrs. Ernst.

Mrs. Heller is asking for small plastic garbage bags to help stuff the "fish" that students are working on to hang up at the fish fries. If you have any extra bags, please send them in on Wednesday. 

One of our students has lost a black, Columbia coat with fur on the hood. Size is kids large or 10/12. We have looked everywhere at school with no luck. If any child accidentally took this coat home, please send it back to school tomorrow. Thanks!

Coming up the following week: 

  • Valentine's Day Parties (At the discretion of homeroom teachers). Keep an eye out for information from the younger grade teachers regarding Valentines Day, but they will not be on the 14th due to Ash Wednesday. 
  • Ash Wednesday- students will receive ashes on their foreheads at mass on Ash Wednesday (February 14), which will mark the beginning of the season of Lent. 
  • Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, February 15, you can still sign up on our signup genius. We will also dismiss at 12:30 that day.
  • There will be no school on Friday, February 16. This is however the first fish fry and $1,000 drawing.

SMS Fish Fry: If you have not yet signed up for AT LEAST three shifts for the fish fries, please do so soon. We would like to have everything settled as far as volunteers go by this week. Also, please be sure to notice when your child's class will be responsible for the bake sale. 

$10K Giveaway: The good news is that we have sent out enough tickets to reach our goal. The not quite as good news is, that there are still a lot of tickets out. Please remember the first $1,000 drawing is next Friday. 

Thank you for all you do  for St. Michael School. St. Michael has continued to grow over the past eight years because of the dedication and support of our parents, grandparents, staff, students, and supporters. We will always be at our best when we come together for what's best for our children. Thank you once again for choosing St. Michael School! Have a great week!