
Good afternoon! In case you missed it, SMS is closed tomorrow, Monday, March 11 due to a professional development day for our staff. Students, enjoy your three day weekend!

Other than the professional development day Monday, the rest of the week should be relatively routine. Remember we are beginning to offer after school tutoring/help with homework on Tuesday and Thursdays for grades 3-8. This service is FREE. If you are interested, please let me know via email at least a day in advance.

We had another big week at the fish fry last week. and are on pace to raise over $30,000 for SMS through this fundraiser. I want to take this opportunity to give a sincere thank you to some people who have gone WAY above and beyond to make our fish fry the best there is. If you have been to a fish fry, you have seen them. They are there open to close, every week, doing whatever needs to be done to make our fish fries a success. On behalf of everyone who benefits from the success of our fish fries, thank you Andy Offutt, Christine Fetters, Brian Nead, Tonya Nead, Erika Burns, and Gaile Sentney. I can honestly say we would not be able to have this fundraiser if not for all you do.

Volunteerism is key to the success of any Catholic School, and an essential component to building our community We have two more weeks left, and still need plenty of volunteer help. Remember each family is required to work at least three, two hour shifts over the course of the six fish fries. It's not only important for the fundraising, but it is important for our families to come together, this is one of the things that sets SMS apart. If you have not yet signed up to help, please do so soon. This week's current list is below. 7th/8th grade families, this is your bake sale. Please have baked goods in the Hall by 10:00 am Friday.

listLiving Stations of the Cross this Friday- Don't miss the last performance by our 7th and 8th grade this Friday in the church beginning at 2:00 pm.

Jesus Day Retreat- Our second grade students who will be receiving the Sacrament of Communion for the first time, have a retreat this Sunday, March 17 at St. Marys in Arnheim beginning at 2:00 pm

Looking ahead at next week...