SMS News

Hello! We hope everyone is a having a great summer, making memories. I have had a few people ask, so we have created the forms required for the 2024-25 school year, and I am happy to say that they are all available electronically! If you are a returning family, you probably remember how to do it, but if you need a reminder, here is a tutorial to help you get started, which is always available on our website. All the forms are found in your portal on OptionC.

For any new families, or if you have forgotten your login information, feel free to email me, and I will help you get logged in.

I would like to briefly describe each of the forms.

  • Student Information- This is mostly for new families. It helps populate accurate information for every student and parent in OptionC

  • Parent Information- Again, mostly for new families. It helps populate accurate information for parents in OptionC.

  • State Funding- It is vital that 100% of our families fill out this form. It determines State Funding for services for our students.

  • Publication Agreement- This determines if you would like your child's name or picture can be published by SMS.

  • Emergency Medical Form- This is the first time we have done this one online. Again 100% mandatory. We need this information for your child in case of an emergency.

  • Scholarship Authorization- If you receive a state scholarship, and do not complete this, you will have to physically come to the school to sign a check every month.

  • Handbook Agreement- Parents and students are responsible for knowing the information in the student handbook. This one is also 100% mandatory for all families.

  • Technology Agreement- 100% mandatory as well. Proper use of technology continues to be an issue particularly for 5-8 grades. We all need to work together on this.

  • Local Field Trip Form- By signing this you are allowing your child to go on local walking field trips. If it is not signed, he or she will not be able to go.

I'm sure this is the furthest thing from your mind right now, but it would be great if you could knock this out before school starts! Please let me know if you have any questions or need help! Thanks!