All Saints Day is a Holy Day of obligation that is observed on November 1, and we will be celebrating here that day. One of the subjects we study at SMS is the lives of Saints, because they are great role models, and we are all striving for Sainthood!
We encourage all of our students to research a Saint, and dress up like them for All Saints day. This does not have to be an elaborate, expensive costume, rather it is more important that we are honoring those recognized Saints who demonstrated such incredible love of Jesus in their lives. We believe this is a great opportunity for us to raise awareness and have conversations about the Saints.
This is not just an "out of uniform" day. If students choose not to participate, they should wear their uniform as usual, as we will also be having mass that day.
All Saints is always a great celebration here at SMS. We look forward to celebrating!
P.S. I would put a link in here for costume ideas, but a simple google search will give you lots of ideas. If you have any questions, fee free to contact me!