
Good afternoon SMS Families,

Thank you all for the prayers and cards last week for my family. They are greatly appreciated, and my daughter is home and adjusting to everything. We feel blessed to have Children's Hospital in our region, and such an amazing community. Thanks especially to our staff who stepped up in my absence last week.

We have seen many absences this week due to illness. It is the time of year, where we normally see a lot of illness and we are aware that numbers are up in several other schools in the area. We will continue to do all we can on our end to disinfect the building every day, and encourage our students to be vigilant in hand washing and use of hand sanitizer.

This Friday, February 7 is the SMS Science Fair. We have 18 judges from the community who are volunteering their time to evaluate our students' projects. Judging will begin after mass, and should be finished in the early afternoon. Students in 3-8 will receive their evaluations and ribbons around 2:15, and will take their boards home with them at the end of the day. Five students from each grade will advance, based on judges scoring, to represent SMS at the Brown County Science Fair.

Due to the Science Fair and the use of the Parish Hall, Friday is a pack day. Students should pack their lunches, which will be eaten either outside or in homerooms.

Please join me in praying for our second graders who are preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which is this Saturday at 10:15 am at St. George.

There will be no tutoring on Tuesday, February 11 due to a staff meeting.

Reminder, parent teacher conferences are Thursday, February 13 from 1:00-6:00pm. Please sign up by Monday. We will dismiss at 12:30 that day.

There will be no school Friday February 14-Monday, February 17. School will resume Tuesday February 18.

Looking ahead, Spring Pictures are on February 19. This will be an out of uniform day for everyone. Please make sure all clothes are appropriate for school. No holes, rips or tears in clothing. Nothing extremely tight. The Father Daughter Dance is scheduled for February 21.

Please fill out and turn in your registration forms for the 25-26 school year. We have many new families applying for next year, but our current families get first shot. Also, if you have turned in all of your paperwork, I have uploaded your information for EdChoice. If you have not turned in your EdChoice paperwork, please start working on that as soon as possible.

Finally, we are starting to get close to the break even point for the $10K Giveaway. Once we hit that, it is all profit for the school. We are 4 weeks away from the first SMS Fish Fry!