We are only three weeks away from the first SMS Fish Fry of the year! We have begun many of the behind the scenes preparations, but now it is time for our families to find times in their schedules to help out with our biggest fundraiser of the year. Not only does this fundraiser bring in $25-30 thousand dollars for the school each year, it has become a major community-builder and it is a great way for our families to get to know each other. It is also a great opportunity to teach our children (by example) the importance of volunteerism. Also, it's FUN!
We ask that each of our families sign up for at least three, two hour shifts over the six week fish fry. If Fridays just don't work for you, there are times on Thursday available prepping fish. Each class is also assigned a week to provide desserts for the Fish Fry. Please make sure to note the week your child's class is responsible for donating desserts. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. I look forward to working with you all for our school!
Week 1 (March 6-7) 3rd and 4th Grade Desserts
Week 2 (March 13-14) 5th and 6th Grade Desserts
Week 3 (March 20-21) First Grade Desserts
Week 4 (March 27-28) Kindergarten Desserts