Congratulations to all of our students who are moving on to the school wide spelling bee which will be held on Tuesday, December 7. Individual class spelling bees were held before Thanksgiving break, and the winners (listed below) will now move on to the school wide bee on December 7. Winners from there will advance to the Brown County Spelling Bee. 


3rd Grade- 1st- Josie Sentney,  2nd Avery Poole,  3rd Emma Wireman

4th Grade- 1st Ethan Huffman,  2nd Ella Seip,  3rd Brayden Heslar

5th Grade- 1st Griffin Ernst, 2nd Garytt Lewis, 3rd Elli Hedges

6th Grade- 1st Sadie Strunk,  2nd Allie Depenbrock,  3rd Dominik Cropper

7th Grade- 1st Abbey Burns  2nd Jake Franklin,  3rd Will Dragoo

8th Grade- 1st Ben Brookbank,  2nd Sarah Patchell,  3rd Gabrielle Ernst