The preschool class spent last week learning about the letter P. Preschoolers are hands-on learners so we try to combine many learning domains to create a multi-sensory learning experience. We are enhancing our alphabet knowledge and phonological awareness as we focus on beginning sounds and relate real life objects to the letters we are learning. Inviting children to use their senses when learning something new helps them to better understand the concepts being taught and we used all of our senses while exploring the pumpkin, as well as science, language arts and math!.
We discussed questions such as, “How does it feel?” or “What does it smell like?” “Is it heavy or light?” We also brought in math concepts by measuring the height with unit blocks, counted the lines, compared size, discussed shape and then decided what type of face we could carve in to it! All of these activities help to develop oral language, communication, fine motor, math and vocabulary.