Fine arts are an important part of our curriculum, and we are constantly looking to provide different learning opportunities for our students. This year we have the opportunity for our students to attend the “Holiday Pops” with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra on Friday, December 9 at Cincinnati Music Hall. Our students will leave at approximately 9:30 following mass, and travel by bus to Cincinnati Music Hall. The show will go from approximately 11:00 -12:30 pm. Students will then be given time to eat a packed lunch, and will return to school by 2:40.
We are asking that students bring $5 to help offset the cost of this field trip. To help us plan for this trip, we need all permission slips and money for the trip to be turned in by this Friday, November 18. Permission slips are being sent home with students today.
As we get closer to time for the actual trip, we will send a reminder for students to pack their lunch.