I have just been informed that due to the filming of a movie on Market Street on Tuesday, December 6, that we will not have access to Market Street below Third Street. This will make things a little tricky in regards to pick-up and drop-off. Please follow the following instructions:
- Car riders at drop-off
- Parents drive north on Main Street (from 52)
- Turn left on 4th Street
- Turn Right on Market Street
- Drop off your child and exit down Hemphill Alley
- Car riders at pick-up
- Parents drive north on Main Street (from 52)
- Turn left on 4th Street
- Turn Right on Market Street
- Dismissal as usual, except parents who park in the main school parking lot will need to go left on 4th Street to return to Main St.
- As of now, buses will be allowed to pickup as usual, but will have to turn down 3rd Street to return to Main St and 52
That section of 52 and Market will be closed for the entire day. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the office, and I'll try to help explain it better.