On Thursday, December 8 we will transport our students by bus to the Gaslight Theater in Georgetown to rehearse for the 2022 SMS Christmas Concert. Following mass on Thursday, grades P-2 will head to Georgetown and will rehearse from approximately 9:30-11:30. They will return to the school for lunch by noon. Grades 3-8 will stay at school following mass, eat lunch, then be bussed to the Gaslight around 11:15, and will rehearse the rest of the school day, and return to school around 2:30. Permission slips will be coming home today.
We realize that this is not a normal day for our 3-day preschoolers. If you are a parent of a 3-day preschooler and would like to bring your child to rehearsal at 9:30, that is perfectly fine, but not required.
Finally, please do not forget our show this Sunday at 3:00 at the Gaslight Theater in Georgetown. Students should be there no later than 2:45. We have an outstanding fine arts program at SMS, and we look forward to spending this Sunday with you!